Krabbelgruppe 10month-2.5 years with parents$220.00
We are offering a fun German playgroup for children 10 month to 2.5 years in attendance with at least one parent. The playgroup will take place every Saturday at…
Playgroup from 2.5- 4.5 years with parents$220.00
We listened to our families and community. After the success from our Krabbelgruppe, we are continuing and filling the gap in our program for 2.5-4.5 years olds in attendance…
Beginners 1 Zoom online – Adults (A1.1)$405.00
Monday 6.00 – 8.00pm Books used in this course: Netzwerk Neu A1.1 (course and work book together) course and work book: ISBN 978-3-12-607154-3 The book above can be purchased…
Beginners 2 – Children Sat 10am -12pm$360.00
Saturdays, 10am-12 pm This 2 hour class is designed for older children who want to start reading and writing in German and have done our Beginners 1 class Still…
Beginners 1 Children – Sat 10am -12pm$360.00
Saturday 10-12 am Learn German in a playful way. 2 hours classes with Teachers Assistants to help with individual needs. Songs, Games, The Hungry Caterpillar, Franzi and Felix, Deutsch…
Beginners 3 – Level A1 Saturday 10-12 noon$360.00
Saturday 10 am- 12pm This class is designed for older children who can read a little bit and have started writing in German. We are focussing on grammar like…
Intermediate 3 Level B1 Children Saturday 1.30-3.30 pm$380.00
Books used in this course: can be purchased from us Maximal B1 (course and work book separately) ISBN 978-3-12-676750-7 ISBN 978-3-12-676751-4 This class is designed for older children…
Advanced Class Level B2 – Children Friday 5-7 pm$420.00
Friday, 5-7pm This level was established to bridge the gap between the Intermediate 3 and WACE/DSD2 class. Students in this class will be tested and authorized to sit the…
Children South West and WA ZOOM Online$335.00
Saturdays – 08.45-9.45 am This class is designed for children who know German on an A1 level and want to continue on A2 level. Zoom online lesson. 1 hour…
Intermediate 2 Level A2 – Children Sat 1.30-3.30 pm$380.00
Saturdays, 1.30 – 3.30pm A2 works with a work and excercise book. Books can be purchased from us. Kursbuch ISBN 978-3-12-676745-3 Arbeitsbuch ISBN 978-3-12-676746-0 This class…
Protected: WACE Background Speaker Preparation B2-C1 Level Fri 5-7pm Semester 1$480.00
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Beginners 1 – Adults (A1.1)$420.00
Tuesday 6.00-8.30pm Books used in this course: Netzwerk Neu A1.1 (course and work book together ) course and work book: ISBN 978-3-12-607154-3 Course description: Level A1 consists of two…
Beginners 2 – Adults (A1.2)$420.00
Thursday, 6.00-8.30pm Books used in this course: Netzwerk Neu A1.2 (course and work book together) course and work book: ISBN 978-3-12-607155-0 There is also the possibility of…
Intermediate 1 Zoom online – Adults (A2.1)$405.00
Monday, 6.00-8.00pm ZOOM online Books used in this course: Netzwerk Neu A2.1 (course and work book together) course and work book: Netzwerk neu A2 (course and work book separately)…
Intermediate 1 – Adults (A2.1)$420.00
Thursday, 6.00 – 8.30pm Books used in this course: …
Intermediate 2 – Adults (A2.2)$420.00
Thursday, 6.00 – 8.30pm Books used in this course: Netzwerk Neu A2 (course and…