Anja Reid
My name is Anja Reid and I started my teaching career as a Hauptschullehrerin in Germany, teaching students in years 5-10 across the curriculum with a special interest in teaching English as a second language. When we left Germany, I further pursued my interest in language learning and teaching, while I undertook a postgraduate certificate in education, teaching German as a second language in the UK.
What I like about teaching German or Germany? Germany and the German language is where my roots are. I enjoy the many interactions language teaching and learning entail, and being part of the learning journey of children and teenagers.
In my role with the Goethe Society WA, I currently teach the WACE/DSD2 course, supporting students in their preparations for the WACE German Background Language examinations and the DSD2 (Deutsches Sprachdiplom Stufe 2).